HSN is short for HME Supplier Network. It is an HME provider group and purchasing alliance, and we expect it will be the largest network of accredited, independent pharmacies in the country.
1. We'll give you access to third party plans that can bring you new patients and, often, higher reimbursements than Medicare.
2. We will offer you training in marketing your business to patients and to your local medical community, as well as training for you and your employees on how to supply DME.
You do not need a CMS number to participate in HSN, however, there is a great advantage to having one. Multiplan, the largest network of DME PPO plans in the HSN program, covering 40 million lives, does require suppliers to have a Medicare number.
Even if you do not have a CMS number, your business must be accredited by any of the ten CMS-approved accreditation organizations to join HSN.
They will have the same access to the third party plans and discounted pricing.
The program provides you with enrollment in an ever increasing number of insurance plans. Once credentialed, HSN members can market themselves as participating providers with these insurers and should coordinate their marketing efforts to attract these patients. HSN also provides marketing and education to help our members get started with marketing, training and merchandising.
Most basic items, such as canes, crutches, walkers, braces and supports, are covered by insurance. Bathroom safety items usually are not, but they are profitable cash sale products. To determine patient eligibility and insurance coverage, you should always call the insurance company (by using the phone number that appears on each patient’s insurance card). You will find more information on HME transactions and insurance company contact on the HSN member website, which is available to you as soon as you become an HSN member.
A patient, physician's office, or discharge planner will see both of you on the participating insurance plan's list of suppliers. Your superior marketing activities will bring the patient into your store.
If you have a question about a specific claim, call the billing agent you used to submit that claim.
An accreditation organization surveys your business operations and your policies and procedures for supplying DME-ALL of the DME you sell, not just the DME you bill to Medicare. If you add a DME product, you need to tell your AO.
Marketing to your customers is crucial. We will provide you with ideas and guidance within our marketing and education information as an HSN member. It's important to get the word out to the doctors, dispatch planners, and nursing homes in your community.
Most basic items, such as canes, crutches, walkers, braces and supports, are covered by insurance. Bathroom safety items usually are not, but they are profitable cash sale products.
As your HME business grows, you may want to add new products. If you add a DME product, you need to tell your AO. If it is a simple item, your current policies and procedures will probably cover it. If you add a complex item, your AO may need to re-survey your business. You might plan ahead and time the addition of products to your re-accreditation survey.